How to Remove Stain from Acacia Wood

Acacia wood is one of the strongest and most beautiful materials for making furniture. This material has outstanding properties like scratch resistance, durability, gorgeous look – making it an excellent option for outdoor furniture. However, if you want to get the best results when using or reusing this material, you need to remove any stain on it first. Here is a comprehensive guide on how to remove stain from acacia wood.

To remove stain from acacia wood, use a damp towel or rag to remove all the dirt and dust on the wood surface. Apply a thick layer of chemical wood stripper to the wood, brush it across the wood surface, and allow it to soak for about 30 minutes. Use a plastic scraper to remove the stain, varnish from the wood, wipe the surface and allow the wood to dry. The last step is to sand the surface. 

There is more to removing stain from acacia wood than just knowing how to clean it. Removing stains from acacia wood might seem daunting, but it can be a simple project if you know how to do it. Be cautious though – without combining the proper technique and cleaning materials, you can end up ruining your acacia wood.  

In this article, we will highlight the best tools, cleaning agents, and techniques for removing stain from acacia wood. You will also learn how to protect your acacia wood from stain. 

A Step-by-Step Guide to Removing Stain from Acacia Wood

If you want to bring out the shine and beauty of acacia wood, you need to use the proper materials for the cleaning process. Here are the essential tools and materials for removing stain from acacia wood:

Step One: Prepare the Work Environments

The best place to work with materials, such as wood strippers, is outdoors. These solvents contain harsh chemicals that can cause skin damage or irritation if they touch the skin. If you cannot work outdoors because of the size or movability of your wood piece, ensure the room is well-ventilated and the windows are open. You should also protect the floor by laying a drop cloth on the work area. 

Step Two: Arrange Your Materials and Tools

Set out an area close to the workpiece and organize your materials and tools. The plastic scraper, stripper, and paintbrush should be within reach. After that, wear your protective gear to protect yourself from the danger of inhaling dust and dangerous chemicals. Wear your safety glasses, respiratory mask, and chemical resistant gloves before opening the chemical stripper. We also recommend wearing long pants and long-sleeve shirts.

The next step is to prepare the stripper. Pour the chemical in a small container; make sure the container is designed to handle the harshness of corrosive solvents. You can pour it into a metal bowl or aluminum pan. 

Step Three: Apply the Stripper on the Wood Surface

Dip your bristle paint brush in the stripper’s container and apply it gently to the wood. Apply thick stripper layers on the wood surface. Brush it gently across the surface of the wood until everywhere is covered. Ensure the thickness is the same across the surface. 

If you are working on a huge piece, apply the stripper in portions. Divide the workpiece into different portions and remove the stain section by section. After applying the stripper on the surface, allow it to soak into the wood for about 30 minutes. Nevertheless, we recommend checking the product’s label to know the specific timing instruction. While waiting for the wood to dry, check and reapply more stain strippers to any dry areas. 

Step Four: Scrape the Stripper

The next step is to scrape the stripper off the acacia wood, and you will need the plastic scraper for this task. Put the scraper at one edge of the wood and gently push it across the wood surface in a straight line. Get rid of the debris on the entire surface of the wood. Repeat the process until there is no more stain stripper on the surface of the wood. 

After scrapping it all, wipe the wood surface with a steel wool pad dipped in the stripper. That would help remove the residue protective coating on the surface. Next, get a wet rag, wipe down the wood surface, and allow it to dry for 24 hours.

Step Five: Sand the Wood Surface

After allowing it to dry for 24 hours, use the mid-grit sandpaper for sanding the wood surface. An electric hand sander would come in handy for those working on larger pieces. Sand the surface to remove every trace of stain and varnish. That process would fade out the existing stain on the surface, exposing the fresh, unstained wood underneath. 

Lastly, use the fine-grit sandpaper to smoothen any scratch caused by the mid-grit sandpaper. After that, clean the wood surface with a damp towel or rag to eliminate the dust. Your acacia wood is back to brand new. 

How to Care for Your Acacia Furniture

Acacia is a highly durable material. However, you might not enjoy the durability of this material if you do not take care of it properly. Here are some tips on how to care for and protect your acacia furniture:

  1. Clean It Regularly

If you want your acacia furniture to last, you need to practice proper, regular cleaning. Use a damp cloth to wipe down the furniture, ensuring it is always dust-free. Preventing dust from accumulating on this material would help preserve its integrity, which would eventually help to prevent cracking or drying. 

  1.  Avoid Using Harsh Cleaning Agents

Acacia wood is a sensitive material, and harsh chemicals or cleaning agents might damage it. When cleaning it, use a gentle soap. The cleaning agent should not contain ammonia or silicone, as these products can cause dryness and eventually crack the material. Warm water and mild soap solution will restore the beauty of this material without causing any damage.

  1.  Use Preservative Products

If your acacia wood is outdoors, you need to protect it from its natural drying properties. You can oil your outdoor acacia furniture with boiled linseed or tung oil. Acacia wood is sensitive to direct sunlight, but the oil will serve as UV protection. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Remove the Stain from Acacia Wood Without Sanding?

Yes, you can remove stain from acacia wood without sanding. However, the wood would not be as neat as when you sand it. If you do not want to sand the surface, you must neutralize the stripper. After scrapping off the stripper and reapplying the stripper with steel wool, you need to neutralize the stripper. You can use steel wool or water and rag to do that. Spray water on a towel or rag and use it to remove the excess stripper on the wood surface. After that, use more steel wool to clean the surface a few times to de-stain it. 

Can I Re-Stain Acacia Wood?

Yes, you can re-stain acacia wood after removing the old stain from it. However, ensure to use the right stain, as not all stains are suitable for this wood’s texture and natural beauty. The appropriate stain would accentuate its natural finish and bring out the grain. 


Acacia wood is a gorgeous-looking and versatile material. You can use this material in many woodwork projects. However, if the wood is stained, you should remove it before reusing it. With the detailed guide in this article, removing stain from acacia wood should no longer be an issue for you.

Martin Swizz

Hi! This is Martin, I like to research, experiment, and learn new things related to wood carving and other kinds of woodworking.

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